God mode and never wanted are turned on by default. To use recovery for second character you may need to be using the second character to set the cash.(All other second character options can be done while using character 1). (This will greatly reduce the risk of ban, added with the antiban and stealth methods of certain mods will mean it's very unlikely you will get banned). (It happens every so often).Īt the end of every session, find new session, when you get there wait 5 mins, then clear reports and remove bad sport, wait 1 min then quit the game. If any mods stop working like vehicle spwaner just find a new session. (Tip: Spawned cars don't save into the garage without a garage bypass, buy cars and max upgrade them then change the colour, then they will save into the garage when you drive them into the garage).

To do a recovery, use all the recovery options then when finished buy an apartment to save the account. Recovery menu only works online, obviously lol. With animation menu you have to press x twice on an option, sometimes the vehicle spawner is the same. I advise signing into psn before loading gta otherwise you'll get timed out if you sign in through game, if you do just go back to story more and go back to online again. The way this menu is written was to minimise freezing or crashing, it caused a couple of unexpected issues but nothing major, it's free so please don't complain or slag me off. (This is a direct download, from mediafire!) Press triangle on the save data then copy,

Go to save data utility in the games column, Put the folder from the download called PS3 onto usb, Otherwise some mods don't work properly online. You may need to install the save data onto a user and you will have to install it onto every new user you make, When you install the menu it installs modded save data to every user from 0-50, pkg installer and a folder called PS3, PUT BOTH ONTO USB AND CONTINUE. Inside the download (which is zipped, use Win-rar to unpack) is a.

These guys have given help, input or influence, nice to see that mod menu devs aren't the same as cfw devs, thanks guys. Welsh, Sabotage, Kryptus, Extortion, Beach and The LTS Team, Joren, ByteSource, Jonathan eke, Total Curry Man and json.